Principles of Pediatric Surgery > Hematology. Oncology

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Principles of Pediatric Surgery > Hematology. Oncology

Principles of Pediatric Surgery 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 200,000원 11%↓
  • 판매가 : 178,000원
  • 적립금 : 4,600원
  • 저자명 : O\'Neill, James A
  • 출판사 : Mosby
  • PAGE : 896
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2004-09-08
  • ISBN : 0323018270

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도서 소개

상품 상세설명

This user-friendly resource expertly covers all of today's core knowledge in pediatric surgery-from the latest basic science through the most recent clinical practices. All of the chapters reflect all of the latest information, including minimal access surgery and genetic research. New contributors bring fresh new perspective, and a new page design and new illustrations make the guidance even easier to reference. Its compact size makes it a perfect source for both clinical know-how and exam preparation

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

Chapter 1 Neonatal and Pediatric Considerations
Chapter 2 Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Surgery
Chapter 3 The Metabolic Response to Pediatric Surgery
Chapter 4 Fluid and Electrolyte Management
Chapter 5 Respiratory Considerations and Tracheal Access
Chapter 6 Cardiovascular Considerations and Vascular Access
Chapter 7 Nutritional Support of the Pediatric Surgical Patient
Chapter 8 Physiology of Infection
Chapter 9 Hematologic Considerations
Chapter 10 Special Considerations in Pediatric Anesthesia
Chapter 11 The Injured Child
Chapter 12 Thoracic Injuries
Chapter 13 Abdominal and Genitourinary Trauma
Chapter 14 Musculoskeletal Injuries
Chapter 15 Vascular Injuries
Chapter 16 Central Nervous System Injuries
Chapter 17 Burns
Chapter 18 Child Abuse
Chapter 19 Neuroblastoma
Chapter 20 Renal Tumors
Chapter 21 Rhabdomyosarcoma
Chapter 22 Liver Tumors
Chapter 23 Lymphomas
Chapter 24 Teratomas and Germ Cell Tumors
Chapter 25 Mediastinal Masses
Chapter 26 Endocrine Tumors
Chapter 27 Gonadal Tumors
Chapter 28 Cervical Cysts, Sinuses and Neck Lesions
Chapter 29 Thyroid and Parathyroid Tumors
Chapter 30 Bone Tumors
Chapter 31 Disorders of the Upper Airway
Chapter 32 Congenital Anomalies of the Lung
Chapter 33 Infections of the Lung and Airway
Chapter 34 Chest Wall Deformities
Chapter 35 Chylothorax
Chapter 36 Congenital Abnormalities of the Esophagus
Chapter 37 Esophageal Stricture and Replacement
Chapter 38 Esophageal Rupture and Perforation
Chapter 39 Gastroesophageal Reflux and Other Disorders of Esophageal
Chapter 40 Abdominal Wall Defects
Chapter 41 Disorders of the Umbilicus
Chapter 42 Inguinal and Scrotal Disorders
Chapter 43 Disorders of the Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
Chapter 44 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Chapter 45 Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Chapter 46 Duodenal Obstruction
Chapter 47 Rotational Anomalies and Volvulus
Chapter 48 Other Conditions of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 49 Intestinal Atresia and Stenosis
Chapter 50 Meckel's Diverticulum
Chapter 51 Duplications of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 52 Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Chapter 53 Short-Bowel Syndrome
Chapter 54 Intussusception
Chapter 55 Crohn's Disease
Chapter 56 Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Chapter 57 Polypoid Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 58 Ulcerative Colitis
Chapter 59 Appendicitis
Chapter 60 Hirschsprung's Disease
Chapter 61 Anorectal Disorders and Imperforate Anus
Chapter 62 Obturation Obstruction of the Intestine
Chapter 63 Benign Liver Tumors and Other Disorders
Chapter 64 Biliary Atresia and Liver Transplantation
Chapter 65 Choledochal Cyst
Chapter 66 Portal Hypertension
Chapter 67 Gallbladder Disease
Chapter 68 Disorders of the Pancreas with Transplant
Chapter 69 The Spleen
Chapter 70 Renal Disorders
Chapter 71 Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
Chapter 72 Other Problems of the Upper Urinary Tract
Chapter 73 Urinary Tract Infection and Vesicoureteral Reflux
Chapter 74 Bladder Function
Chapter 75 Exstrophy of the Urinary Bladder
Chapter 76 Prune-Belly Syndrome
Chapter 77 Male External Genitalia
Chapter 78 Female Genital Tract
Chapter 79 Ambiguous Genitalia
Chapter 80 Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations
Chapter 81 Lymphangiomas and Lymphatic Malformations
Chapter 82 Venous Disorders
Chapter 83 Arterial Disorders
Chapter 84 Miscellaneous Skin Disorders
Chapter 85 Conjoined Twins
Chapter 86 Neurosurgical Disorders
Chapter 87 Cardiovascular Disorders
Chapter 88 Musculoskeletal Disorders
Chapter 89 Craniofacial Disorders, Tonsils and Adenoids


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