도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Choice of the Hemodialysis Membrane
Alfred Cheung, Richard A. Ward, and Leslie Yazel
Reuse of Hemodialysis in Chronic Dialysis Therapy
Paul D. Light
Dialysate Composition in Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis
Biff F. Palmer
Hemodialysis Vascular Access
Steven J. Schwab
Anticoagulation Strategies During Hemodialysis Procedures
William Dahms
Approach to Hemodialysis Kinetic Modeling
Thomas A. Depner
Choosing the Best Dialysis Option in the 2007 Patient with End Stage Kidney Disease
Rochelle Cunningham
Hemodialysis Adequacy and the Timing of Dialysis Initiation
Jay Barry Wish
High-flux, High-efficiency Procedures
Thomas A. Golper and Allan J. Collins
Longer Time Dialysis: Nocturnal
Andreas Pierratos
Prescribing Drugs for Dialysis Patients
William Bennett
Continuous Dialysis Therapeutic Techniques
Ravindra L. Mehta
Choosing the Best Dialysis Option in Patients with Acute Renal Failure and in the ICU
Andrew E. Briglia
Adequacy of Peritoneal Dialysis
John M. Burkart
Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Peritoneal Membrane Failure
Isaac Teitelbaum and Shweta Bansal
Hypertension in Dialysis Patients
Vito M. Campese
Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Valvular Heart Disease in Dialysis Patients
Patrick S. Parfrey
Coronary Artery Disease in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients
L. David Hillis
Autonomic Neuropathy and Hemodynamic Stability in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients
Biff E. Palmer
Oxidant Stress in End-Stage Renal Disease
Ravinder K. Wali
Infection and Immunity in End-Stage Renal Disease
Peter Stenvinkel
Hepatitis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients
Ruth Berggren
Endocrine Disorders in Dialysis Patients
R. Tyler Miller
Gastrointestinal Complications in End-Stage Renal Disease
George T. Fantry and Donna S. Hanes
Renal Osteodystrophy
Wajeh Qunibi
Acid-base Considerations in End-Stage Renal Disease
F. John Gennari
Dyslipidemia in Dialysis Patients
Robert D. Toto
Malnutrition and Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients
Joel Kopple
Disorders of Hemostasis in Dialysis Patients
Giuseppe Remuzzi
Treatment of Anemia in Dialysis Patients
Anatole Besarab
Neurologic Complications Associated with Dialysis and Chronic Renal Insufficiency
Imran I. Ali and Noor A. Pirzada
The Geriatric Dialysis Patient
Wendy Weinstock Brown
Diabetic Dialysis Patients
Eli A. Friedman
Quality of Life, Depression, and Rehabilitation in Dialysis Patients
Daniel J. Salzberg
Extracorporeal Strategies in the Treatment of Poisoning
Wajeh Qunibi
Chronic Dialysis in Children
Bradley A. Warady, Kathy Jabs, and Stuart L. Goldstein
Acute Dialysis in Children
Susan R. Mendley
Infections in Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis
Jan Patterson
Preparing Dialysis Patients for Renal Transplantation and Pre-Emptive Renal Transplantation
Matthew R. Weir, Charles B. Cangro, and David K. Klassen
Current Outcomes for Dialysis Patients and Improving Quality of Care for Dialysis Patients
Jeffrey C. Fink

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