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Clinical Emergency Radiology 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 187,000원 5%↓
  • 판매가 : 177,000원
  • 적립금 : 3,300원
  • 저자명 : Fox
  • 출판사 : Cambridge
  • PAGE : 662 pages
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2008-01-01
  • ISBN : 9780521870542

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

Hardcover - 662pages,
Imaging represents the most dynamic sub-discipline of emergency medicine, as recent technological advances have revealed. The use of ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans has revolutionized the way that acute injuries and conditions are managed in the emergency room. More sophisticated imaging modalities are commonplace now, enabling acute conditions such as cardiac arrest, aortic aneurysm, and fetal trauma to be diagnosed within seconds. This book is a new clinical resource in the field of emergency radiology and covers both the technical applications and interpretation of all imaging studies utilized in the emergency room, including x-rays, MRI, CT, and contrast angiography. The full spectrum of conditions diagnosed within each modality is covered in detail, and examples of normal radiologic anatomy, patterns, and anomalies are also included. With over 2,000 images to comprehensively cover every aspect of radiology in the emergency room, it is a standard reference for emergency physicians.
? Indications for each imaging study (x-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI), along with capabilities, limitations, and pitfalls ? Approaches the subject from a clinical, pattern-oriented perspective ? Designed as the definitive reference guide for the professional in the emergency room

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

Part I. Plain Radiography:
1. Plain radiography of the upper extremity in adults Kenny Banh and Gregory W.
2. Plain radiography of the upper extremity in adults Steve Hayden and Anthony Medak;
3. Chest radiograph Peter DeBlieux and Lisa Mills;
4. Plain film evaluation of the abdomen Anthony J. Dean and Worth W. Everett;
5. Plain radiography of the cervical spine Eric Fox Silman;
6. Thoracic and lumbar spine radiography Michael Anderson, Adam Tuite and
Christine Kulstad;
7. Plain radiography of pediatric extremity Kenneth T. Kwon;
8. Pediatric chest plain film radiographs Loren G. Yamamoto;
9. Pediatric abdominal plain film radiographs Loren G. Yamamoto;
10. Plain radiography of child abuse Kenneth T. Kwon;
11. Plain radiography in the elderly Worth W. Everett and Anthony J. Dean;
Part II. Ultrasound:
12. Introduction to bedside ultrasound Michael Peterson;
13. Ultrasound physics and instrumentation Seric Cusick and Theodore J. Nielson;
14. Biliary ultrasound William Scruggs and Laleh Gharahbaghian;
15. Trauma ultrasound Bret Nelson;
16. Ultrasound of deep venous thrombosis Eitan Dickman, David Blehar and Romolo
17. Cardiac ultrasound Chris Moore and James Hwang;
18. Emergency ultrasonography of the kidneys and urinary tract Anthony J. Dean and
Geoffrey E. Hayden;
19. Ultrasonography of the abdominal aorta Deepak Chandwani;
20. Ultrasound guided procedures Daniel D. Price and Sharon R. Wilson;
21. Abdominal-pelvis ultrasound Mike Lambert;
22. Ocular ultrasound Zareth Irwin;
23. Testicular ultrasound Paul Sierzinski;
24. Abdominal ultrasound Matt Solley;
25. Musculoskeletal ultrasound JoAnne McDonough and Tala Elia;
26. Soft tissue ultrasound Seric Cusick;
27. Ultrasound in resuscitation Anthony Weekes and Resa E. Lewiss;
Part III. Computed Tomography:
28. Computed tomography in the ED: special considerations Tarina Kang and Carrie
29. Computed tomography of the spine Michael Habicht and J. Christian Fox;
30. Computed tomography of the head Stewart Swadron and Marlowe Majoewsky;
31. Computed tomography of the face Monica Kathleen Wattana and Tareg Bey;
32. Computed tomography of the chest Megan M. Boysen and J. Christian Fox;
33. Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis Nichole Meissner and Matthew
34. Computed tomography angiopathy of the chest Swaminatha V. Gurudevan and
Shaista Malik;
35. Computed tomography of the abdominal aorta Martha Villalba, Kate Latouf and Steve
36. Computed tomography of the head and neck Seth TeBockhorst and Christine
37. Computed tomography angio of extremities Adam Tuite, Michael Anderson and
Christine Kulstad; Part IV. Magnetic Resonance Imaging:
38. Physics of magnetic resonance imaging Joseph L. Dinglasan Jr. and J. Christian
39. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain Asmita Patel, Colleen Crowe and Brian
40. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine Aaron Harries and J. Christian Fox;
41. Magnetic resonance imaging of the chest and heart Boback Ziaeian and J.
Christian Fox;
42. Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen and pelvis Jesse Stondell and J.
Christian Fox;
43. Magnetic resonance imaging of extremities Kate Stevens and J. Christian Fox.


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