Textbook of Absorbable THREAD LIFTING (군자) > Plastic Surgery

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Textbook of Absorbable THREAD LIFTING (군자) > Plastic Surgery

Textbook of Absorbable THREAD LIFTING (군자) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 216,000원 9%↓
  • 판매가 : 195,000원
  • 적립금 : 2,000원
  • 저자명 : 강승훈 외 2명
  • 출판사 : 군자출판사
  • PAGE : 168
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2018-09-14
  • ISBN : 9791159553561

선택된 옵션

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    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

Beginning with the Aptos lift in the late 1980s, thread lifting has seen continual advances and improvement during the last 40 years. Nevertheless, for much of its long history, thread lifting was not a widely known procedure among physicians or the general public. This changed 10 years ago with the development of absorbable thread lifting techniques using polydioxanone (PDO), which precipitated the popularization of a new concept of lifting to achieve not only elevation but also tissue stimulation and regeneration and began a new chapter in the history of thread lifting.


We have accumulated much experience with both absorbable and nonabsorbable thread lift\-ing and learned a lot about their differences and respective strengths and weaknesses. However, there have still not been many studies or research papers on the theoretical background and practical techniques for absorbable thread lifting. While foreign physicians have shown great interest in absorbable thread lifting during overseas presentations and meetings in Korea, we have also felt that these physicians often gain doubts about the nature of the procedure, since they have not seen related textbooks.


We wrote this book to be a cornerstone of absorbable thread lifting, which has the poten\-tial to develop as an area of academic interest both in Korea and worldwide. Although writing this book took more time and effort than expected, in retrospect, there is still much room for improvement. We have also experienced a great amount of change and improvement in these 2 years, but we consider this a beginning and plan to further supplement and enhance this content in the future.


This book aims to describe a general, objective technique that can be used by anyone to produce similar results, rather than the individual experiences and techniques of the authors. Depending on the surgeon’s skill, it is also possible to use only monofilament thread, and in the future, as we gain more experience, we will include an explanation of a method that also uses cog thread at a level that is suited to novices and experts alike. Above all, we aimed to discuss various real clinical cases, in order to help readers familiarize the technique in practice.


We want to express our gratitude to Koonja Publishing Company’s CEO Ju-Yeon Jang, Sec\-tion Manager Ho-Hyun Lee, and Assistant Manager Eun-Hee Jo who provided material and moral assistance for the publication of this book. We would also like to thank all the esteemed teachers and colleagues who have helped us to work diligently at our respective hospitals. We hope that this book will contribute in some way to the academic advancement of absorbable thread lifting.

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

CH.1 The History and Theoretical Background of Thread Lifting 1

SECTION 1 History and Theoretical Background 2


CH.2 Anatomical Background of Thread Lifting 7

SECTION 1 Layers of the Face 8

SECTION 2 Vasculature and Nerves 9


CH.3 Classification and Types of Thread 13

SECTION 1 Classification of Threads by Material 14

SECTION 2 Classification of Threads by Shape 15


CH.4 Preoperative Preparations 23

SECTION 1 Consultation 24

SECTION 2 Imaging 25

SECTION 3 Surgical Preparation 25

SECTION 4 Design 28

SECTION 5 Anesthesia 28


CH.5 Thread Lifting Techniques 31

SECTION 1 Non-barbed Thread Types and Techniques 32

SECTION 2 Barbed Thread Types and Techniques 49

SECTION 3 Anchoring Techniques 55

SECTION 4 Variant Techniques 66

SECTION 5 Floating Techniques 76

SECTION 6 Vertical Lifting Techniques 88


CH.6 Case Studies of Surgical Procedures 97

SECTION 1 Summary of Basic Terms 98

SECTION 2 Case Studies of Surgical Procedures 99


CH.7 Postoperative Management 139

SECTION 1 Immediately after Surgery 140

SECTION 2 Prescription Examples 141

SECTION 3 Home Care 142

SECTION 4 Cautions 142


CH.8 Adverse Effects, Prevention, and Treatment 145

SECTION 1 Facial Asymmetry 146

SECTION 2 Ecchymosis and Hematoma 146

SECTION 3 Pain 148

SECTION 4 Palpable Thread 149

SECTION 5 Skin Dimpling 150

SECTION 6 Worsening of Mid-cheek Furrows 151

SECTION 7 Thread Migration and Protrusion 152

SECTION 8 Infection 153

SECTION 9 Nerve Injury 154

SECTION 10 Scarring 154

SECTION 11 Parotid Gland Injury 155

CH.9 Index 157




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